Archive for the ‘Excursion’ Category

Autumn at Lejre Forsøgscenter

Sunday, October 12th, 2008

As said before we would like to go to either Tivoli or Lejre Forsøgscenter if the weather did hold and as it actually did, we decided to go to Lejre Forsøgscenter because this would be our last chance to go there in the autumn as they close for this season later today.

Lejre Forsøgscenter (in English: Lejre Experimental Center) is an open-air park where 10.000 years of Danish history is brought to life by reconstructions of ancient living environments, from a Stone Age camp to the 19th century-farm cottages. Besides that the park is blessed with an unique nature as the pictures here show.

Here I will bring you some of the many pictures I took. I’m very happy with the pictures but the small thumbnails here doesn’t do the pictures justest so please click on them to view them in full size !

Well here we are… just inside by the first lake and were met by those beautiful colors.

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Then we went to see how the wild boars babies were doing. They were grown quite a big since last time we were here and they didn’t have the speed stripes (as we call them) anymore.

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Close by were some of the more normal farm animals.

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Besides the beautiful country site we did see a few flowers too.

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We went to the field were we last time saw a lot of goats but they were not there. But near by we did find two patting goats that was quite sweet.

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After a little walk we came out on the big open field and discovered that the gute sheeps was here today.

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We even had a chance to say hi to the big old male sheep Johannes (the one with the big horns). We know his name as we were here in the spring on a tour with a nature guide and he introduced us for Johannes.

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Here some great views over the big open field…

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Here we are down by the lake just before we enter the forest. Just caught a shot of a flock of birds. I guess they will be heading south very soon.

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Those views are just unbelievable..

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Inside the forest and a peak out of the Lejre Forsøgscenter area onto farmers land.

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More inside the forest and few views over some of the lakes.

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Here we have a view from the small Stone Age village. I really like the photo at the right. You can see two small boats made from tree trunks at both sides of the jetty.

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A few more from inside the forest.

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Here a nice big mushroom.

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I just love this old crooked tree just by the sacrifice bog, it’s amazing how it’s shaped. After that we entered the Iron Age village, you can see a little of one of the houses on the right picture.

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Some more shuts from inside the Iron Age village. I’m more into taking picture of the nature but I guess we have to come back and take pictures of the houses, tools etc. some day.

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Just outside the village with the small lake between us and the village.

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And some more views….

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I really like how the tree reflects in the pond. I guess that’s why I take this picture every time we go here :-)

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Well that was more or less it, now we are back where we started.

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I think you see, just by looking at the pictures, that we had a very nice day at Lejre Forsøgscenter !

If you want to see all the pictures I took, please visit my photo album too.

You can also go to Lejre Forsøgscenters own homepage.

Is it already spring ?

Saturday, January 19th, 2008

Until now this winter has been far from cold. I guess we have only had one or two days below the freezing-point. Instead we do have a lot of wind, rain and gray weather. Today was an exception ! As we got a bit of sun Tine and I decided to take a short walk in the near by wood. Well it’s not a real wood, it’s only a small peace of land with quite a lot of trees, but we call it a wood. We think we are very lucky we have this small peace of nature so close by, just a couple of minutes walk.

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As those pictures show, nature can’t really understand it’s winter and not spring….

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Finally I managed to get a picture of a bird flying, something I have tried many times without luck…

We ended our little walk at the little pond and feed the ducks with a little bread… They really liked it :-)

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Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

On our way to Tivoli we passed city hall with the big Christmas tree in front.

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And here we’re passing it again on our way home.

I like taking night pictures, so here is a few more hand held ones….

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Christmas in Tivoli again

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Once again Tine and I did a trip to Tivoli to see there Christmas decoration. We decided to go again as there were so crowed the last time we went. This time we were more lucky, there wasn’t that many people so we had no trouble walking around, looking in all the small shops and just enjoying everything.

We came a little before it was dark…

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But already after 30 minutes or so it was starting to get dark…

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And then it was just like night time, even it was only about 4:30pm.

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It’s always so pretty at the lake with all the lights !

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This time we saw the light show.. It was fine but as we talked about afterwards, we were glad that we didn’t have to stand in line for the show as it wasn’t that spectacular…

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Here is one small shop that had a lot of funny stuff. Look how many there are in a very little space. We decide not to count them…..


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Inside there were a quite large pixie scenery with mechanical pixies…

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Outside again we decided to head home again so here is just a few pics on our way out…

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We both had a great time and we are doing it again next year !

As always, just click on the pictures to see them in normal size.
There are more pictures here.

The Open Air Museum

Tuesday, June 19th, 2007

Today we went to The Open Air Museum. It’s a museum that takes the visitor back in time, from the 17th century to the early 20th century, to explore how people lived. The many buildings are all original, moved from their site piece by piece to the grounds of the museum. The landscapes are made to match as closely to both the time and area from where the individual buildings are from.

You can use days here, in fact we were here once last year and only managed to see about half of it. Today we wanted to see the rest - and that took us over five hours as time was just flying.

This time I think it was more interesting as we saw buildings and interiors from a wider range of time so there was a lot more difference between them. Last year we mostly saw buildings and interiors from the 17th and 18th century and got kind of tired of seeing more or less the same again and again.

I ended up taking 284 pictures but that includes information signs for the buildings, gardens etc. Here is just a few pictures and I have places 184 pictures on my online photoalbum.

Here is a smallholders’ cottage from Dannemare, build in the 18th century. The occupants of the house lived as farmers and day-labourers. At the end of the 19th century one of the occupants was a fiddler and dyke attendant.

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The household of 1890 was : The owner, a divorcee, her daughter, a farm hand and one pensioner. The had two cows, five sheeps, two pigs and some chickens and geese.

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Here is a smithy from Ørbæk, build 1846. The smithy was build to be rented out by the pastor in the town Ørbæk. No land belonged to the smithy, but the smith had poultry and a single pig. He was paid in money or kind: grain, pork or poultry.

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The household of 1858 was : The blacksmith, his wife and son and a journeyman. They had one pig and some chickens and geese.

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Many of the houses had garden with flowers, vegetables, herbs etc. Here is a flower and my wonderful girlfriend.

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The museum is in the process of creating a small community from the years 1880 to 1940. Here is the Co-op store from Sundby, build 1907.

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And here is the backyard of a Carpenter from Borre. Inside the house electricity was installed.

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Here is just a few farm animals from a co-operative farm.

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