Archive for the ‘Bicycle riding’ Category

Bicycling 30Km

Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

Yet again I went for my new 30.6Km (19 miles) route. The weather was quite a bit colder than last time so I needed to find my long legged bicycle pans and a bicycle jersey with long sleeves again. On the other hand the colder and more cloudy weather was nice for a change and I did not need to use suntan lotion.

I had a great ride and again I have to say that it’s a great and beautiful route. I saw quite a lot of small calfs, foal and lambs too. A little over half way I could see that I have had a rather good speed, so that made me push a bit on the last part of the ride.

I ended up with my best average speed this year with 30.9Km/h (19.2 miles/h). Guess it will be hard for me to top that but if I can stay around the (30Km/h) I will be very happy. As I have said before, I have not been bicycling for quite some years now so I didn’t expect to get around the 30Km/h before next year.

Bicycling 30Km

Saturday, June 9th, 2007

Yet again a very nice and rather hot summer day here in Denmark. I decided to try to alter my 26Km route and make it a bit longer by looking at maps (on the internet where else ? - I use I managed to find a little detour without having to pass towns that I thought could have traffic lights or other annoying obstacles.

And I was right, my detour was really good - going through very nice nature and passing nice fields etc. It was a bit hilly too but that’s what I like. Only downside was that most of the road was rather narrow and there was quite a lot of curves so it’s not that fast but in some way it makes it fun too. The total distance ended with 30.6 Km (19 miles).

Well all in all this new route was great and I will for sure use it again. I was not pushing to get a good time, especially on the detour as I have never been on those roads before, but at the end with about 8 Km left I started to push a little - guess you know me…. I ended up with a great average speed of 30.5 Km/h (almost 19 miles/h).


Bicycling 26Km

Friday, June 8th, 2007

It’s just wonderful to ride the bicycle those days with this kind of weather we are having now.
Decided to take the 26Km (16miles) route I like so much and just enjoy it, not pushing too hard. Ok, the last 6Km I was pushing a little as I discovered that I might end up with an average pace of 30Km/h.

I had a really nice ride and ended with an average pace of 30.1 Km/h (18.8 miles/h).

Bicycling 16Km

Sunday, June 3rd, 2007

Yes I know… Normally I don’t run and ride the bicycle the same day but there was a number of reasons to do it today.
I missed riding the bike, it’s over a week since I did it last time. Either the weather has been bad, I have been busy or not feeling well but today I managed to get out on a little ride.
Yesterday I went out and bought new bicycle tires, tubes and shoes so I had to try out all this new gear.

I had a nice ride but I think I have to get used to the new shoes :-)
I did the 16Km (9.9 miles) in 32 minutes and 40 seconds and that was quite a lot faster than expected as I had been out running and it was over a week since my last ride. Average speed was 30.4Km/h (18.9 miles/h)

Bicycling 26Km

Friday, May 25th, 2007

The weather was fine today and only a little windy, so after I came home from work I went out on my 26.2Km route on my bicycle. As you might have read, I surprising did the same route with an average of a little over 30Km/h (18.6mph) two days ago and I didn’t expect to do that again today, but somehow I did end up at the right side of 30Km/h, with an average of 30.5Km/h (almost 19mph), a little faster than two days ago and a new record for this year - wow.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to set a record every time I’m out on the bike. First of all it’s impossible, second I think it would take all the fun and nice feeling out of the exercise and become hard work instead. I do try to ride at a good pace but only as fast that I can still enjoy the ride.

One other thing I have to point out is that with the ride today I have now driven a total of 512.7Km (319 miles) this year ! That means that I have already passed my half way goal of doing at least 500Km this year and now I think that the 1000Km is within reach.