Archive for January 15th, 2009

First 10km this year

Thursday, January 15th, 2009

Today I ran my first 10km of the year and it went quite well. It’s not an official 10km as it was just one of my training runs and the route length is only measured in google earth.

I have been adding 0.5km each week over quite some time now and finally today I went for the 10km. It’s my long distance of the week and therefor I do not try to run it fast, actually I try to keep it semi slow (witch is hard for me) so I don’t get an injure. I try to do it in 50 minutes or just below that and today the watch said 49 minutes and 12 seconds.

I will keep the 10km as my long run for some weeks before I stat to add 0.5km again each week. This year I will try (again) to not run into trouble with my knees or shins as I have had so many years now….