Archive for December 26th, 2007


Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

On our way to Tivoli we passed city hall with the big Christmas tree in front.

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And here we’re passing it again on our way home.

I like taking night pictures, so here is a few more hand held ones….

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Christmas in Tivoli again

Wednesday, December 26th, 2007

Once again Tine and I did a trip to Tivoli to see there Christmas decoration. We decided to go again as there were so crowed the last time we went. This time we were more lucky, there wasn’t that many people so we had no trouble walking around, looking in all the small shops and just enjoying everything.

We came a little before it was dark…

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But already after 30 minutes or so it was starting to get dark…

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And then it was just like night time, even it was only about 4:30pm.

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It’s always so pretty at the lake with all the lights !

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This time we saw the light show.. It was fine but as we talked about afterwards, we were glad that we didn’t have to stand in line for the show as it wasn’t that spectacular…

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Here is one small shop that had a lot of funny stuff. Look how many there are in a very little space. We decide not to count them…..


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Inside there were a quite large pixie scenery with mechanical pixies…

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Outside again we decided to head home again so here is just a few pics on our way out…

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We both had a great time and we are doing it again next year !

As always, just click on the pictures to see them in normal size.
There are more pictures here.