Bicycling 26Km
Friday, May 25th, 2007The weather was fine today and only a little windy, so after I came home from work I went out on my 26.2Km route on my bicycle. As you might have read, I surprising did the same route with an average of a little over 30Km/h (18.6mph) two days ago and I didn’t expect to do that again today, but somehow I did end up at the right side of 30Km/h, with an average of 30.5Km/h (almost 19mph), a little faster than two days ago and a new record for this year - wow.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not trying to set a record every time I’m out on the bike. First of all it’s impossible, second I think it would take all the fun and nice feeling out of the exercise and become hard work instead. I do try to ride at a good pace but only as fast that I can still enjoy the ride.
One other thing I have to point out is that with the ride today I have now driven a total of 512.7Km (319 miles) this year ! That means that I have already passed my half way goal of doing at least 500Km this year and now I think that the 1000Km is within reach.